General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

These are the general terms and conditions of the Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy, hereinafter referred to as ECCH.

Article 1. Payment and Cancellation Terms for Long-Term Courses

1. This article applies to long-term courses, defined as courses with more than one session (e.g., online lecture) or more than two days (e.g., seminar).

2. For open registrations, there is a fourteen-day reflection period during which the registration can be canceled free of charge. This reflection period also applies if a participant books the course/training and the company or organization pays for it. If the company enters into the contract, no reflection period applies. If the first learning session has taken place, the reflection period expires.

3. The student ensures that the costs for the training are paid within the stipulated period as stated on the invoice. All costs are in euros (EUR) and are exempt from VAT.

4. Before the start of the new academic year, a new invoice will be sent. The costs for the training may be increased by the applicable index figure.

5. If the costs are not paid within the stipulated period, the student will receive up to two reminders to pay the outstanding amount. If the outstanding amounts are not paid, ECCH will be compelled to hand over the claims to a collection agency, and the student will be temporarily denied access to the lessons.

6. If the student expects to be unable to pay the outstanding amounts on time, they should contact ECCH as soon as possible to arrange a payment plan if necessary.

7. In the event of premature termination, the student is entitled to a partial refund of the tuition fees. The following calculation is used:

  • 200 euros will first be deducted from the tuition fees as costs.
  • A fixed percentage of the remaining amount can be refunded: 80% for cancellation between the first and second scheduled session, 60% for cancellation between the second and third scheduled session, and 0% from the third scheduled session onwards.
  • In this article, a session refers to a theory day or theme day.
  • Refunds for books or other materials are not possible.

8. In case of a refund, ECCH has a repayment period of 14 days.

9. For cancellations within 30 days before the first lesson, 200 euros will be charged for incurred costs.

10. The student is not entitled to a refund if ECCH decides to refuse the student admission to the training due to violations of the rules as described in the general terms and conditions, the learning agreement, and the yearbook.

11. In the event of force majeure, such as too few participants or illness, the training may need to be adjusted in terms of content, structure, or otherwise. ECCH reserves the right to adjust, reschedule, or cancel the lessons if deemed necessary.

12. The student must purchase the required literature themselves. The required literature is listed on the ECCH website and in the Yearbook.

Article 2. Confidentiality and Copyright

1. The copyright on all teaching materials (digital, written, or in any other form) remains the property of ECCH. They may not be copied, lent, sold, published, or handed over to third parties in any way, even after completing the training. For each violation of this rule and/or document, the student must pay 5000 euros to ECCH. For each day the violation occurs, a fine of 500 euros per day will be charged.

2. Regarding case studies (in any form: written, video, internship, etc.), the student must observe absolute confidentiality. This means that the case studies seen during the training may not be discussed outside the lessons or published or shared with third parties in any way. Violation of this rule results in both the expulsion of the student or, if the student has already graduated, the nullification of the diploma and a fine of 5000 euros.

3. All documents stored in the digital environment, whether by training staff or the student, remain the property of ECCH.

4. All student data is treated confidentially in accordance with the privacy statement. These data are used only for the progress of the study.

Article 3. Liability

1. Despite the careful compilation of teaching materials, errors may occur. ECCH is not responsible for these errors.

2. ECCH is also not responsible for the application of the teaching materials by the student or any other third party.

3. ECCH will handle student data confidentially.

4. The student is obliged to refrain from behavior that disrupts the proper functioning of ECCH.

5. The student must adhere to the rules of the building owner while in the school building and on the associated premises.

Article 4. Conditions for Single Lectures

1. For clarity, we describe here the general terms and conditions applicable to single lectures such as seminars and online lectures not part of a long-term course.

2. You must register for a single lecture via the registration form.

3. The prices for the single lecture are listed on the relevant webpage.

4. The costs for the single lecture are exempt from VAT.

5. After registration, you will receive an email with the relevant details and an invoice for the lectures you have registered for.

6. We request that you pay the invoice within the term stated on the invoice. Even if the single lecture you registered for is scheduled further in the future, we still ask you to pay the full invoice within the stipulated term. We count on your understanding for this.

7. Refund of the amount is only possible one day before an online lecture or at least fourteen days (unless otherwise stated on the page of the single lecture) before the planned single lecture that you will not participate in the relevant meeting. From the fourteenth day before the seminar, we can unfortunately no longer refund the amount of the relevant theme day due to reservations and costs incurred.

8. For cancellations of a seminar, twenty euros administration costs will be charged, regardless of the cancellation period. For cancellations of online meetings, the ticket fee of the ticket handler will be charged. 

9. The registration is only final when the amount has been credited to the ECCH account.

10. If the maximum number of participants is reached, the date the registration fee is credited to the ECCH account determines who can participate.

11. ECCH makes every effort to prevent (typing or typographical) errors on the website. However, many factors play a role in keeping the information accurate, so we cannot be held responsible for any errors.

12. ECCH reserves the right to make interim adjustments to the information or content of theme days if necessary.

13. No handouts will be distributed during single lectures .

Article 5. Website Conditions

1. We do our best to keep the website as accurate as possible and avoid errors. However, it is possible that there are ambiguities or errors on the website.

2. Nothing on the website may be downloaded, copied, or reproduced in any way without written permission from the management.

Article 6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. These terms and conditions are governed by Dutch law.

2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us.

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