Do you recognise this situation and would you really like to improve people’s health? Probably you feel this need because you are working in a totally different workspace or you are working in the healthcare sector but you are doing many things, except for working with people directly? Then it might be a good option to consider classical homeopathy as a solution to your problem. As a classical homeopath, you work as a therapist and as an entrepreneur which gives you the opportunity to really improve the health of other people. The training in our college takes four years, and for most students the time passes very quickly. Our college is focused first and foremost on teaching the practice of homeopathy. This can be described best as learning how to cure patients in an understandable, correct and practical way.
Do you already work on people’s health?
Maybe you recognise the problem that you would like to improve people’s health but it isn’t possible in your current job. It can either be the case that your current job is in a different area and it doesn’t have anything to do with people’s health, or your job covers only the administrative part of improving people’s health. It can also be that you are working in the healthcare sector but it’s not satisfactory enough for you.
Classical homeopathy can help you to be more involved with people’s health
If you would like to improve people’s health, then training to become a classical homeopath might be a solution. As a classical homeopath, you are almost exclusively improving people’s health while the administrative part of the homeopathic practice is quite subsidiary. Classical homeopathy is a practical therapy which is used to improve the physical and also the mental-emotional health of your patients. Furthermore, you can work autonomously and decide for a very big part how and when you work, which materials you use, etc.
As a classical homeopath, you can spend most of your time on the health of your patients. At our educational center, we train you how to efficiently file your folders so you don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this for each patient. We also teach you how to find the correct remedy in a quick and practical manner: this saves you a lot of time in looking for it in the available resources, and it gives you the opportunity to spend more time on your patients.
As a classical homeopath, you like to work with people and actively improve their health. A reasonably large practice is very helpful. You can help more people and also from an entrepreneurial point of view it is very effective to have a large practice. If you know the right tips & tricks, it’s not difficult to build a flourishing practice. The Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy employs experienced and skilled homeopaths with a flourishing practice.

The Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy offers the opportunity to become a classical homeopath
If you would like to improve people’s health with classical homeopathy, our training is very suitable for you. In a relatively short period (3 years) you learn how to deal in a professional, practical and efficiënt way with how to improve people’s health. At the Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy, we will not spend time on subjects which are not relevant in your future homeopathic practice. Next to the 3 years of training, you will have to do a medical training. This is not included in our curriculum.
During the training, we spend a lot of time on the classical homeopathic way of improving people’s health, but we also acknowledge the importance of a decent regular medical knowledge. Unfortunately, a lot of therapists resist the regular practice of medicine, anatomy, physiology, (psycho)pathology etc. However, we think it’s crucial for a successful and reliable treatment of your patients, to have detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, (psycho)pathology. Therefore, we give this subject a lot of attention, next to the required medical study.

Did this article interest you or do you have any more questions? Please do not hesitate to contact our educational center. If you are enthusiastic and you want to enrol for the course, please fill in the intake form.