Homeopathic remedies are very mild, and there are no side effects like there are with regular medication. There are things like initial aggravation (temporarily increase of existing symptoms directly after taking the remedy) but that is entirely different from side-effects, and if it occurs it is a positive sign. Because of the sometimes severe side-effects, many patients suffer and start looking for alternative solutions to their health problems. Classical homeopathy can provide that solution and aims to improve the complete health of the patient, in many cases without the need to take remedies on a daily basis (depending on the type of health issues and circumstances). In our course, you will learn how to find the proper homeopathic remedy for the patient in an efficient way and how you can interpret the reaction after taking the remedy in such a way that you can adjust the treatment if necessary.
One of the main reasons why people choose homeopathy is that they suffer from side-effects from medication
A complaint that is often heard and that often causes people to look for alternative solutions is that they are not happy with the side-effects they are experiencing from taking medication for certain diseases and health issues. For a large group of patients, the adverse effects of medication are the reason why they look for alternative medicine, and an important one is classical homeopathy.
Considering that for most of the chronic diseases there are no permanent cures available in modern medicine, there is no other solution than to take medication for a long time. Not everyone experiences side-effects, but a large group does. If side-effects of medication occur, then they are being experienced the whole time the medication is needed. So patients need to choose the lesser of two evils: suffer from the original disease or suffer from the side-effects of medication.

Another problem is that a particular group of people has the feeling that the therapy or medication does not (sufficiently) work or that the (family) physicians, specialists, etc. cannot find what the cause of their problems is. So this group of people also often tries to find a solution in alternative medicine and specifically homeopathy.
Organisations like Lareb or Yellow Card keep track of side-effects of medication. Patients can send in their experiences so they become available for other patients.
It seems that also an increasingly larger group of women is tired or averse to taking oral anticonception. Furthermore, a lot of men and women are tired of taking medication for a long period of time. They are becoming more and more aware of the effects of medication. People are becoming increasingly more aware in regard to the use of medication. Many people realise not only what the effect of the medication is on their own health but also about the costs involved and what the effect is on the quality of for instance drinking water. A lot of medication that is excreted or thrown away ends up in the water supply and this is very difficult to filter out.

We realise that for many people medication is very important and can prevent debilitation or even death. We, therefore, are not against the use of medication and advise not to change it unless this is discussed with the physician who prescribes the medication. It is, however, a fact that many people do not only experience benefits but also the drawbacks.
In classical homeopathy we do not experience side-effects
In classical homeopathy, we do not experience the phenomena of side effects like they are with medication. Homeopathic remedies do not create side-effects. That makes classical homeopathy an attractive therapy for many patients. Homeopathic remedies can influence the health strongly in a positive way without adverse effects.
In homeopathy, we do know about the initial aggravation. An initial exacerbation can occur after taking the correct homeopathic remedy and consists of a short lasting (2-3 days) increase of existing symptoms. It is as it were a first reaction that can occur if the healing process starts. Compare it with muscle ache that can occur if someone who has not done physical exercises for a long time decides to start doing fitness again. This muscle ache is a result of not having used them in that way for a long time. This muscle ache goes away after a short while and will not occur again in subsequent training sessions. By the way, this homeopathic initial aggravation only happens when the homeopath has chosen the correct remedy, but the potency (strength) is a bit too high. A good homeopath will try to minimalise the effect of an initial aggravation by working very carefully. If there is an initial aggravation, it will occur quite shortly after taking the remedy and will last only a few hours to days. This temporary effect is something that is entirely different from the chronic side-effects of medication.
Another thing that is peculiar to classical homeopathy is the proving. A proving is a kind of test in which healthy volunteers are taking homeopathic remedies for a long time to see what kind of symptoms occur. After the information is gathered and analysed to see what is occurring in many patients and which symptom is more or less a fluke. It is never the intention to do such a proving with patients in classical homeopathy. However, this is a realistic complication in complex- and clinical homeopathy because in these systems remedies need to be taken for a long time on daily bases and usually without proper guidance of a professional. Because in classical homeopathy a remedy is in most cases taken once this phenomenon does not occur. Adequate guidance by a classical homeopath is necessary to adjust the treatment accordingly to the change of symptoms the patient experiences.

The unique thing about classical homeopathy is that the patient in most cases takes the homeopathic remedy once. The effect of a well-chosen homeopathic remedy can last weeks if not months, depending on the health state of the patient and the circumstances, so this is very convenient to the patient. In most cases, it is not necessary to take the remedy on a daily basis (depending on the type of health problems and circumstances). That is convenient and is less expensive. Successful treatment with classical homeopathy can result in long-term improvements of the complaints without the need to take all kinds of remedies.
Some patients are afraid that a wrongly chosen homeopathic remedy can have adverse effects if they take it too long (depending on the sensitivity of the patient). Homeopathic remedies, however, only work when chosen correctly. Compare it to hormones: a hormone in the blood only triggers tissues that have receptors for this specific hormone. Other tissues that are not sensitive to the hormone do not respond. That is an example of physiology in a healthy person, but we can also think of a pathological analogy: consider for instance allergens. People who are sensitive to specific allergens react to them. If for instance ten people are standing together and some pollen come along then only the person who is allergic to this type of pollen will respond and the others will not. Even though all ten people are exposed to the same amount and type of pollen. One person can be sensitive to a different plant or other substance compared to another hayfever patient. From this perspective, it is not that strange that a remedy does affect one person and not in another. This sensitivity makes that using homeopathic remedies are safe, provided a professional and knowledgeable classical homeopath guides you.
During the course on the Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy, you learn how to prescribe homeopathic remedies correctly
As a student of classical homeopathy, it is most important to learn how to prescribe the correct homeopathic remedy for the patient. You need to learn how to perform the accurate anamnesis, the selection of symptoms and to repertorise these symptoms. We can teach you how to do this carefully and with confidence and so increasing the chances that you select a proper homeopathic remedy for the patient a lot. An initial aggravation is a good sign, but you want to prevent that this initial aggravation is too intense. During our course, we will guide you in this properly.

The whole curriculum of our homeopathy course is constructed in such a way that you learn how to efficiently and quickly find an appropriate homeopathic remedy for each patient. By choosing a suitable homeopathic remedy it is possible to improve the health of the patient in a mild way and on the long-term.
Not only do we teach you how to select the correct homeopathic remedy but also to develop the accurate insight and knowledge about the developments of symptoms after you have prescribed a homeopathic remedy and adjust the course of treatment accordingly. That is at least as important as prescribing the correct first remedy because without this knowledge you cannot modify treatment if necessary. For assessing the developments after the homeopathic remedy has been prescribed we use among other things:
- Reaction patterns – These are different possible reactions after a homeopathic remedy has been prescribed. We don’t want you to learn by heart several fixed patterns, but these patterns are being used to develop an insight on a deeper level about what is going on with the patient’s health. That provides a sure guidance during the treatment of people.
- Hierarchy of pathology – The pathology of a patient can be compared with a specific schematic of pathology. Changes and shifts in the pathology can indicate that treatment is successful or detrimental.
- Levels of health – The level of health of a person at a particular moment. In classical homeopathy, we do not assume people are sick or healthy, but they belong somewhere in a spectrum between very healthy and very ill.
- Development of acute diseases – It is possible that a person develops an acute illness like flu, cystitis, etc. The severity and frequency of these acute diseases are indicative of the level of health a person is in. Changes in frequency and severity provide information about changes in the level of health of the patient. These changes concerning the level of health can be an indication of improvement or deterioration of the general health of the patient.
- Proving – We teach you of course how to prevent and to recognise an accidental proving.
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