For the course we tried to choose books that have proven their value and are essential for every homeopath. That does not mean that other books are not useful; we wanted to assemble an optimum list for both study and the years after graduation. The selected literature is also affordable and reliable. At our centre, we do not prefer certain authors in the sense that we admire one homeopath above all others. The books we use during the curriculum are:
Organon of Medicine (6th edition) – Samuel Hahnemann
No course on homeopathy should be given without this book. This book contains the essence of classical homeopathy. The books of James Tyler Kent, George Vithoulkas and Erik van Woensel supplement this book perfectly.

Science of Homeopathy – George Vithoulkas
This book supplements the Organon very well. It’s modern and its clear explanation of the basic principles of homeopathy are wonderful and comprehensible.

Levels of Health – George Vithoulkas & Erik van Woensel
A glimpse of levels of health is already mentioned in the old literature but George Vithoulkas explained this concept extensively in this book. It complements the book Science of Homeopathy. The book gives detailed information about how to assess the reaction after a remedy has been given and the development of acute diseases during treatment.

Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy – James Tyler Kent
This book about theoretical principles in homeopathy is a very good read and describes important aspects when treating patients with classical homeopathy. Although the book was first published long ago, it is still very relevant for every classical homeopath.

Lesser Writings including Clinical Cases and New Remedies – James Tyler Kent
This book is a collection of articles, descriptions of materia medica and cases written by James Tyler Kent that are not included in Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy. It is very interesting and provides insight into some ideas and experience of James Tyler Kent. James Tyler Kent was a very experienced homeopath. Compared to Samuel Hahnemann, he was more experienced because he did not need to ‘invent’ homeopathy.

Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine (volume 1 en 2) – Erik van Woensel
This book consists of many cases with a long-term follow-up: at least 2 years but some 2 decades. This aspect is missing in many publications about case analysis and case management. Having long-term follow-ups provides a good insight into the true effect of homeopathic treatment. All cases are discussed clearly and extensively.

Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler Kent
This materia medica is written in a story format. Most materia medicas up to this time were in a format that consisted of listing symptoms. The narrative style of this book makes it easy to read and easy to grasp the basic concepts of the remedies. Definitely a recommended book to read and re-read for any homeopath.

A Study on Materia Medica – N.M. Choudhurry
This book is lesser known but also a gem. Every remedy starts with a list of important keynotes according to the author, then a description of the most important features of the remedy with a lot of differential diagnosis is written, and it usually ends with descriptions of patients treated with the remedy that is being discussed. A very instructive book.

A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica – John Henry Clarke
In our centre we use this book mainly to find detailed symptoms that are not mentioned in the other books. More importantly, there is something in this book that seems to have been forgotten by many homeopaths: the characteristics section at the beginning of each remedy. This section provides a lot of insight in the remedy, especially about the clinical application of a remedy.

Desktop guide to keynotes and confirmatory symptoms – Roger Morrison
We use this book because it contains a useful collection of keynotes for a large list of remedies. The format is easily readable. It has become one of the most used reference works for a quick reminder about remedies.

Allens Key-notes Rearranged & Classified – Henry Clay Allen
Henry Clay Allen’s book is very useful because it also contains a great many reliable keynotes for several remedies. More than in the Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms are differential diagnosis mentioned. This book offers more differential diagnoses compared to Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Very reliable and no homeopath can do without this book.

Homeopathic Drug Pictures – Margareth Lucy Tyler
This book is also of exceptional quality. It describes the experience of several homeopaths in an interesting and lively way. Reading this book provides insights that cannot be learned from the other books. It also gives a bit of an insight into how homeopathy was used in the glory days of homeopathy.

Essential synthesis – Frederik Schroyens
We decided to use the essential Synthesis version of the repertory. We also decided that it is best to start with the book instead of the software. There are many reasons for this, but the most important reasons are that it is less expensive and you learn more and faster when consulting the repertory in book form than in digital form. The Essential Synthesis book is currently the best quality repertory, it does not contain the superfluous and experimental information of the full Synthesis.

Life and work of Samuel Hahnemann – Richard Haehl
If you really understand the biography and history of Samuel Hahnemann then you are quite close to understanding how classical homeopathy works. Currently, the book Life and work of Samuel Hahnemann by Richard Haehl is the most authoritative book written about Hahnemann. We prefer this book because in one of the two volumes you can also read the letters and other documents that support the biographical story in volume one. Many discussions, confusions and speculations can be discarded quite easily with the information that is provided in this book.